Marley Farm

Case Studies
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385,000 Land
27,924 Panels
Power 2,000 households
June 2018 - March 2019
South Brent Devon
Landowner Farming


Lightsource Renewable Energy worked closely with landowners Richard and John Buckpitt to ensure the designs of the solar installation would integrate within the primary use of the farmland, which was for sheep grazing. Richard and John Buckpitt rent 39 acres of their farm to Lightsource Renewable Energy for the generation of solar power and this method of farmland diversification enables over 600 sheep to graze around the solar panels.

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Our client is a future focused energy solutions business launching one of Victoria’s largest solar farms

We were tasked with recruiting and employing a diverse and strictly local workforce of 300 people. The farm was remotely located, with a relatively small local pool of workers to source from.Stakeholders included the local community, unions and traditional land-owners and the challenges included:

Skill Shortages
During construction, there were an additional 3 solar farms being built within the region, resulting in significant inflation of pay rates for Electricians and a lack of available skilled workers.

The population
Mildura population is approximately 53,000 people and the main industries revolve around farming and agriculture. Workers from a construction background were limited.Sourcing from a regional town, we found a lot of candidates did not have the right working documentation at hand and required additional time to source the correct documents to present.